Town Raven

Town Raven
In flight


This is a diary, or rather, field notes written up each day, with the latest entry at the top.

To get the full story, start at the bottom entry in the archive, and read upwards.
Then read the current diary entries from the bottom up as well.

Once you've got the full story, just visit and read the new story for the day!


Location Map

Location Map
This shows where we walk and meet the ravens
The yellow and pink squiggly lines are two walks we take. The yellow one is the one we usually do. The squigglyness indicates how Madame visits her several important sniffing check-points!
We stop several times to feed the ravens, and you can see where they come from.

If you right-click on the image and open it in a new tab, you can then zoom in to see more details.

Monday, 22 February 2010

Feb 22nd

An icy wind blew from the North, there was a lot of rain in the night, and still a cold drizzle coming down when I left the house at 7.25 a.m. Earlier, not a single raven call, nor any bird songs were to be heard.

No ravens called in Llandaff Fields, and not one turned up as I got to the top of the big field. As it was pretty uncomfortable for me as well, I trudged home, all scraps still in my pocket.

Now, as i write, a watery sun has broken through the clouds - but I am waiting for people to turn up to do some work in the house, so I cannot go out again.

Bad luck, ravens - hopefully a better day tomorrow!

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