It is raining, and since it is still cold it feels really grim outdoors.
Madame is not well - the treatment will take time before it kicks in, so we're not going out, not together and not myself on my own. I do not want to leave her alone today, she is still looking a bit frightened.
The ravens will have to fend for themselves, but there really is a lot of food for them around - and they know how to get it.
For two weeks now our rubbish has not been collected. We have different bags, given to us by the City Council, into which we sort our waste: recyclables, food, and ordinary stuff. The bags have different colours, and the food waste goes to be composted, so those bags are quite flimsy, being bio-degradable.
Yesterday, when I was taking Madame to the vet, I saw one raven, literally in the road, on the other side of the cross roads. He was drinking from a puddle of ice melt, and in front of him, on the pavement, were some of those food bags which he'd obviously raided - their content was spilled onto the pavement.
So I am pretty certain my ravens will not starve.
I don't know if tomorrow will allow me to go out on my own - rain is predicted, so Madame will still have to make do with the back garden, improvements or not.