I had to take Madame to the vet today - she was so weak, she couldn't even walk upstairs last night.
She was too weak to walk today, she just went to the garden once, stumbling.
Result so far: she has anaemia, the cause is not clear, so the vet sent her blood samples away for further investigations.
We'll know by the weekend.
Meanwhile: no exercise, and no medication for the next few days.
While we go to and come back from the vet in a taxi, I walked there to pick her up. This walk takes me through Pontcanna Fields. I wanted to see if there were some ravens.
Indeed I saw a couple, quite a way off, and one sitting in a huge sycamore.
Now that we're back, all I can do is keep Madame safe, so she doesn't fall and get scared - and wait for the results.