It was as cold and grey as yesterday - with the wind coming from the North West, for a change. There was a hint of watery sun when I left the house at 7.05 a.m. I had not heard any raven calls earlier, although the robins did sing before dawn.
There were no raven calls when I got to the big field, nor were there any ravens. I checked the treetops - not a raven in sight.
To make up for it, Bas was rushing around, chasing the seagulls, investigating other dogs and again enjoying himself.
Karen and I did wait for a bit at the enclosure in the big field while Bas was otherwise engaged - but no calls, no ravens ... and we know they don't mind too much having Bas around.
I observed a couple of ravens flying high across the big field towards Pontcanna Field, therefore I assumed the ravens had found a good food source there.